Sunday, October 5, 2014

Hi...I'm Krystal Rain. I am a 29 year old Native American woman. I am enrolled Oglala Lakota, but was raised among the Northern Cheyenne. I am also an Army Veteran and so many other things that they're hard to list! ha I am starting this blog for so many reasons, which I will get to here in a minute. First, let me tell you why I chose the name, Of Reason, Passion and Guiding Lights. 

For Christmas a few years ago, two of my closest friends in the world, who are basically my sisters, gave me books for my gifts. The first was Love Poems from God: Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West by Daniel Ladinsky and the other, The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. I love books and reading. But what I loved more, was the fact that each of them wrote on the front page of the books. One quoted Marianne Williamson, whom I also love, "And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." She went on to say, "To come across a person whose nature is to be a light for others is something special. To me, that's the kind of person you are." The other one wrote, " For Krystal, The rudder to my sails." For anyone who has read The Prophet she was referring to the chapter the Prophet speaks about Reason and Passion. It states, "Your reason and passion are the rudder and sails of your seafaring soul." These gifts were so profound to me! Of course, I cried! lol These two gifts impacted me in such a powerful way. My friends basically gave me the confidence to start this page. To share whatever I am meant to share and for that I am forever grateful! Starting a blog and sharing your personal journey is scary and exciting at the same time. Knowing that two people whom I think the world of, look at me in this light, helps me let go of the fear and just go for it. That is why I named this blog: Of Reason, Passion and Guiding Lights. 

Okay, so here are the reasons I am starting this blog. I have had an interesting, to say the least, journey. I have struggled with alcohol, been in an abusive relationship, been deployed, lost loved ones and even dropped out of college. I've ruined relationships and friendships because of my own dysfunction. I was raised on a reservation and then went to college off the reservation. So I have experienced the whole idea of, 'living in two worlds." I was bullied in high school and experienced my mom's divorce and moving to a new state. I had to adjust to a new blended family of step and half siblings.  I've struggled to believe in myself and I have searched in all the wrong places for who I am. I have experienced verbal and emotional abuse and low self esteem. I have held good jobs and not so good jobs. I've been fired from some of those jobs and walked away from some for my own well being. I've struggled financially and also been in pretty decent standings as well. I've had my heart broke, more than a few times and I've also had great relationships with companions. I have struggled with my health, weight and appearance. I have struggled between being a strong,'traditional' Native woman and modern young person living in this world.

Sound familiar! My journey/path is no different from any of yours. We all struggle. We all have difficult times. That is life. I am starting this blog to share what I have learned from my experiences, from my perspective. I don't have any answers. I can't tell anyone what to and not to do. All I can do is share and give advice. 

All of my struggles were for a reason. They led me to a true deeper understanding of myself. Through my struggles I was led to the self help field, of which I am a huge supporter. I love Marianne Williamson, Mastin Kipp, Gabrielle Bernstein, Oprah, Don Miguel Ruiz, Tich Nhat Hanh and so many more!! Each one of them have spoken to my spirit at one point or another. However, one thing that I have noticed, is that I can't relate to a lot of them. I hear what is being said and I understand how it applies to me, but I can't relate to their experiences. None of them speak from a Native American person's perspective, let alone a young Native American woman. So, I hope to offer that perspective to the those who, just like me, have and are struggling. 

So, I can't end this blog having everyone thinking I am stuck in my struggles! lol I am very fortunate to have been raised by powerful, strong parents who grounded me in our spirituality before I even realized and appreciated what they were doing. I had a very large and loving family on both sides. I have some of the best friends that anyone could ever ask for. I am close to finishing my Bachelor's degree in Social Work. I am an Army Veteran who was blessed to be safe during my deployment. I have a wonderful job that I love. I have built my confidence over the years and now consider myself a strong person. I have great health and feel good about myself. There are too many good things in my life that I am thankful for to list!! 

I hope that something I share speaks to you! And if it does...feel free to comment and share!

 <3 Blessings,
Krystal Rain

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