Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Gypsy Soul

Resignation from Work...check!
Last month of rent paid...check!
30 day notice put in to landlord...check!!

Time for a change. Time to stop being scared. Time to go after what makes me happy. Because...well...why the hell not!?!? haha 

Life is too short to not be happy! Period. 

I have been pondering on living lightly on this Earth. I have also been thinking about reducing my attachment to material things. Why? Because it is my small baby step towards decolonizing and simply, being happy. As youth growing up in this modern day society, we are conditioned to think that material things matter most, that money is everything, that love is based on looks and so much more ridiculousness! haha 

AND, personally, I am tired of it. I am tired to seeing our young people get bullied over these crazy ideas, and having those situations shape and affect their lives. Sometimes we lose them to these crazy ideas. Because at some point, not staying on this Earth seems more peaceful than this roller coaster of a ride life is. That is not okay with me. It sometimes feels hopeless. How do we get our young people (including my age group! hehe) to realize that this is a very large world and there is more than enough room for all of us to exist in it, as ourselves. 

Sometimes that overwhelming feeling of trying to change or save the world gets ahold of me and compassion fatigue sets in. However, to prevent that, I just want to live my life and be happy. I figure if I can do that, I allow others to do that as well. Not that Im some super human who can change people just by being conscious of my own decisions! Oh...wait!! Yes, I am!! haha And so are you! We are all super humans...aka spirits. We are spirits and when we can claim that, we are capable of anything. 

Obstacles will come up and in transition I will probably experience set backs...but it will be okay. I trust Creator to guide me through and assist me on my journey. My prayer is that in doing so, it allows others to do the same. 

So, Im going to do it! lol I resigned from my boring 8-5 job, put in my 30 day notice at my favorite apartment and am going to sell everything! I will head back up to Missoula to finish my last few classes to graduate with my Bachelor's Degree in Social Work and then by the grace of Creator, off to Grad school in Maine :) 
